
Philharmonie Südwestfalen

nation Germany
city Hilchenbach
position 2nd violin, deputy section leader (1)
instrument vln
contract type Temporary
duration October 1, 2024 to July 31, 2026
closing date Mon 16 September 2024
audition date Fri 11 October 2024

The Philharmonie Südwestfalen does not reimburse travel or other costs incurred in connection with the audition.
German language skills at level B1 are desirable.

One of the violin concertos by W.A. Mozart KV 216, 218 or 219, 1st movement with cadenza and possibly 2nd movement, as well as a romantic concerto
In addition, the following orchestral excerpts, each time the second violin part:
W. A. Mozart: Symphony No. 39 in E flat major, 4th movement.
Smetana: The Bartered Bride, Overture.
Bruckner: Symphony No. 9, 3rd movement Adagio.
R. Strauss, Don Juan



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