

nation Germany
city Chemnitz
position Leader 2nd violins (1)
instrument vln
contract type Permanent
start February 1, 2025
closing date Tue 01 October 2024
audition date Fri 25 October 2024

The Robert Schumann Philharmonic Orchestra is one of the largest orchestras in eastern Germany with 99 permanent positions.
Chemnitz will be the European Capital of Culture in 2025, and the coming years will be enlivened by numerous attractive cultural projects involving the Robert Schumann Philharmonic Orchestra.
The Robert Schumann Philharmonic Orchestra performs concerts in the Chemnitz City Hall, among other venues, as well as opera and ballet performances in the opera house.
The orchestra is known far beyond the city's borders and regularly performs at home and abroad.
Benjamin Reiners will be General Music Director from the 2025/2026 season.

Please note that the Städtische Theater Chemnitz gGmbH is unfortunately unable to reimburse travel and accommodation expenses.

mandatory pieces

1. complete W. A. Mozart Violin Concerto KV 216, 218, 219
2. a romantic violin concerto 1st movement with cadenza

orchestral excerpts

Orchestral parts solo
G. Bizet Carmen No. 9 Chanson et Melodrame beginning to Allegro 2nd violin
S. Prokofiev Cinderella (ballet) Act 1 No. 9 (incidental music) 2nd violin

Orchestral parts Tutti
A. Bruckner Symphony No. 9 3rd movement Adagio 2nd violin letters D-E and J-K
B. Smetana Bartered Bride Overture 2nd violin
F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy Midsummer Night's Dream Scherzo 2nd violin
W. A. Mozart Magic Flute 2nd Finale 2nd violin
R. Wagner Siegfried Act 3 Scene 3 Prelude 1st violin



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