
Seattle Symphony

nation United States
city Seattle (Washington)
position 2nd Assistant Concertmaster
instrument vln
contract type Permanent
start September 2022
closing date Fri 15 April 2022

Preliminary auditions may begin as early as Friday, June 10, 2022. Final auditions will be held on Monday, June 13, 2022. All auditions will take place in Seattle.

Additional section vacancies may be filled from this audition.
All rounds of the audition will be blind, including the final.

Employment begins in September 2022 or by mutual agreement.

To Apply:
By Friday, April 15, 2022, please send a one-page resume listing:
• Recent orchestral experience
• Musical education
• Audition experience/placement

Send resume to Please write
“2nd Assistant Concertmaster Auditions” in the subject line of the email and include your resume as a Word or PDF file.

Since the Seattle Symphony is holding multiple violin auditions, applicants may apply to both the 2nd Assistant Concertmaster and the Associate Principal Second Violin positions. If you choose to do this, please make sure you submit 2 separate applications each following the instructions on the announcement.

The repertoire list will be available on the website ASAP. Copyright parts will be sent if you are invited to the audition. Only highly qualified applicants will be invited to this audition.
No phone calls please.

Current Contract Information:
(CBA expires August 2022)
• Minimum salary for the 2021/2022 season $113,037
• 47 weeks, including 7 weeks paid vacation: (45 weeks Symphony/Opera and an optional 2-week Seattle Opera summer production)
• Benefits include medical and dental insurance, defined benefit pension, disability, life insurance, instrument insurance, and parking.

Seattle Symphony is proud to be a partner orchestra of the National Alliance for Audition Support (NAAS), an unprecedented national initiative to increase diversity in American orchestras. It will do so by offering Black and Latinx musicians a customized combination of mentoring, audition preparation, financial support, and audit

attached documents   audition announcement

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