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#MotivationMonday: Gershwin's rousing "Cuban Overture" (Link) brought Caribbean flair to the Philharmonie at an "American evening" with Ingo Metzmacher in 2012.
Berliner Philharmoniker 30.May.22

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#MidweekMelody: A very exciting experiment in sound (Link) Daniel Barenboim said of Beethoven's Triple Concerto, which he performed with Itzhak Perlman and Yo-Yo Ma at an…
Berliner Philharmoniker 25.May.22

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Music begins where words end wrote Jean Sibelius. Discover (Link) this performance of his Violin Concerto with soloist Lisa Batiashvili and conductor Paavo Jrvi.
Berliner Philharmoniker 24.May.22

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