
Theater Erfurt / Philharmonisches Orchester Erfurt

nação Alemanha
cidade Erfurt
posição 1st violin (1) - orchestra academy
instrumento vln
tipo de contrato Academy
inscrição encerrada Seg 14 outubro 2024
data da audição Sex 08 novembro 2024

The academy programme includes up to 15 services per month. In addition, the academy students (m/f/d) receive lessons from a musician of the Philharmonic Orchestra.
There is also the opportunity to participate in chamber music concerts and workshops.
The contract is concluded in accordance with BBiG §10 and runs until 31 August 2025, with the option of an extension of one year.
A scholarship of €800 per month is awarded for the duration of the academy.

Please note that travel and accommodation costs cannot be covered.
Non-EU citizens must have a residence status that allows them to obtain a work permit in order to participate in the audition.
Final acceptance in the event of winning the audition can only take place after the necessary documents have been submitted and checked.

peças obrigatórias

First movement of a Mozart concerto (A major KV 219, D major KV 218 or G major KV 216) with cadenza.
(A Romantic concerto is NOT required.)

trechos orquestrais

Richard Strauss: Don Juan
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Symphony No. 39, 4th movement
Johannes Brahms: Symphony No. 4, 4th movement
Richard Wagner: Siegfried, slow section


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