
Hamburger Symphoniker

nação Alemanha
cidade Hamburg
posição 2nd solo cello (special contract) (1)
instrumento vlc
tipo de contrato Permanent
inscrição encerrada Dom 22 setembro 2024
data da audição Ter 05 novembro 2024

Travelling expenses will only be reimbursed up to the amount of the 2nd class train ticket within Germany if the 2nd round is reached.
Accommodation costs and daily allowances are not covered.

trechos orquestrais

Solo passages
Strauss "Don Quixote" op. 35 (Theme, Variation 2, Variation 5 and Finale)
Brahms Piano Concerto No. 2, 3rd movement (beginning to bar 17 and bars 71 to 86)
Shostakovich Symphony No. 15
Beethoven "The Creatures of Prometheus", No. 5
Rossini Overture "William Tell"

Tutti passages
Beethoven 5th Symphony, 2nd movement
Verdi Messa da Requiem, offertory
Smetana "The Bartered Bride"
The orchestral passages above can be found in the booklet "Orchester-Probespiel Violoncello" published by Schott. The scores for Strauss and Shostakovich are not in the Schott booklet - the scores are available for download in this advert.


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