

nação Alemanha
cidade Chemnitz
posição Solo-Viola (1)
instrumento vla
tipo de contrato Permanent
início May 1, 2025
inscrição encerrada Qua 02 outubro 2024
data da audição Sex 25 outubro 2024

The Robert Schumann Philharmonic Orchestra is one of Saxony's largest orchestras with 99 permanent positions.
Chemnitz will be the European Capital of Culture in 2025, and the coming years will be enlivened by numerous attractive cultural projects involving the Robert Schumann Philharmonic Orchestra.
The Robert Schumann Philharmonic Orchestra performs concerts in the Chemnitz City Hall, among other venues, as well as opera and ballet performances in the opera house.
The orchestra is known far beyond the city's borders and regularly performs at home and abroad.

Please note that the Städtische Theater Chemnitz gGmbH is unfortunately unable to reimburse travel and accommodation expenses.

peças obrigatórias

Hoffmeister or Stamitz - Concerto 1st + 2nd movement

peças opcionais

Bartok Concerto
Hindemith Swan Turner
Walton Concerto

trechos orquestrais

C. M. v. Weber Freischütz
A. Adam Giselle
R. Strauss: Don Quixote

A. Bruckner Symphony No. 4, 2nd movement
B. Smetana Bartered Bride


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