
Philharmonisches Kammerorchester Wernigerode

nazione Germania
città Wernigerode
incarico 1st violin (1)
strumento vln
tipo contratto Internship
scadenza iscrizione ven 20 settembre 2024
data audizione mar 22 ottobre 2024

We will not cover travel or accommodation costs for the audition.

brani obbligatori

W. A. Mozart: exposition and cadenza, as well as the beginning of the 2nd movement from violin concerto no. 3, 4 or 5

passi d’orchestra

W.A. Mozart: Beginning of the 4th movement from Symphony 39 KV 543
B. Smetana: Overture The Bartered Bride
R. Strauss: Don Juan, 1st page
J. Brahms: Symphony No. 2 bars 17 to 66, bars 118 to 136


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