
Gewandhausorchester Leipzig

nazione Germania
città Leipzig
incarico Solo Viola 100% (1)
strumento vla
tipo contratto Permanent
scadenza iscrizione gio 03 ottobre 2024
data audizione lun 18 novembre 2024

We will reimburse your travel expenses (2nd class and only within the Federal Republic of Germany) for participation in the audition 2nd round. Please present your ticket for this purpose.
We regret that we are unable to cover any costs for overnight accommodation or for accompanying pianists.

brani obbligatori

Stamitz, Concerto in D major OR Hoffmeister, Concerto in D major
Bartók, Concerto OR Hindemith, ‘Der Schwanendreher’ (The Swan Turner) OR Walton, Concerto

passi d’orchestra

J. S. Bach: Cantata ‘Wo soll ich fliehen hin’ BWV 5
C.M. v. Weber: Freischütz
R. Strauss: Arabella (viola solo, act 1)
R. Wagner: Tristan (Solo–Stelle), 3rd act: bars 26 - 29
R. Strauss: Don Juan (beginning to 5 bars before D)
F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: A Midsummer Night's Dream, Scherzo (bars 70 - 151, bars 233 - 324)
G. Mahler: 10th Symphony, T.1-15, T.102-112


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