
Orchestre de Chambre de Genève

nazione Svizzera
città Genève
incarico viola tutti
strumento vla
tipo contratto Permanent
scadenza iscrizione gio 03 ottobre 2024
data audizione mar 05 novembre 2024

The 2024 monthly salary for the position of Alto tutti is set at CHF 2,800 gross, including holiday pay (8.33%) for a compulsory minimum of 140 services (rehearsals or concerts) over the year. Connections count for 1/3 of the service. In addition to the salary, lump sums are paid for radio recordings, meals, travel, etc.
Compulsory social security contributions are deducted from the fee:
- Unemployment insurance
- Maternity insurance
- Supplementary non-professional accident insurance
- 2nd pillar.
Candidates who win the competition are obliged to accept the position for which they have competed.
The trial period is 6 months, renewable.

A pianist will be available on the day of the competition. No rehearsals are planned.
We do not cover travel or accommodation expenses.

1st round (behind a folding screen):
Your choice: 1st movement with cadenza from the Concerto in D Maj by C. Stamitz or the Concerto in D Maj by F.A. Hoffmeister.
Orchestral lines.

2nd round (behind a folding screen):
Choice of 1st movement from the Concerto by B. Bartòk (including Parlando) or from the Concerto by W. Walton.
Orchestral lines.

Finale (without folding screen):
J.S. Bach, Allemande from Suiten No. 3 for cello in C Major
String quartet work session: 1st movement of the Quartet op.20 n°2 by J. Haydn
orchestral excerpts followed by an interview with the candidate.
The list of orchestral excerpts to be prepared will be sent to the invited candidates on 7 October 2024.

documenti allegati   Quatuor op 20 n° 2 de J. Haydn, 1er mouvement

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