
Deutsche Oper Berlin

nazione Germania
città Berlin
incarico Solo double bass (1)
strumento cb
tipo contratto Permanent
scadenza iscrizione gio 05 settembre 2024
data audizione gio 10 ottobre 2024

Employment contract with ancillary agreement (service facilitation)
Excellent service instrument is available and will be provided.

Travel expenses will be reimbursed after qualification for the 2nd round of the audition (2nd class train journey, if travelling from abroad from the German border).

brani obbligatori

Dittersdorf Concerto in E major ( 1st movement with cadenza and 2nd movement )
or Vanhal Concerto (1st movement with cadenza and 2nd movement)

brani a scelta

a great romantic concerto of original literature (1st and 2nd movement)

passi d’orchestra

Verdi - Rigoletto, Act 1, No. 3
Mahler - Symphony No. 1, 3rd movement (solo)
Stravinsky - Pulcinella Suite, 7th movement
Verdi - Otello, solo 4th act
Wagner - Walküre, 1st act, end of 1st scene + 2nd scene
Wagner - Meistersinger 2nd act, 7th scene ("Beating scene")
v. Beethoven - 9th Symphony, 4th movement recitative
Mozart - Magic Flute Overture


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