
Münchner Philharmoniker

nazione Germania
città München
incarico Solo viola (1)
strumento vla
tipo contratto Permanent
scadenza iscrizione dom 15 settembre 2024
data audizione ven 18 ottobre 2024
brani obbligatori

Please select a piece (1st round):
Stamitz Concerto: 1st movement up to T198 (with cadenza) and 2nd movement up to T43
Hoffmeister Concerto: 1st movement up to T151 (with cadenza) and 2nd movement up to T33
Also compulsory for all candidates:
Strauss: D. Quixote Var. III (figures 14-18 and 26-34)

brani a scelta

Please select a piece (2nd round):
Walton: Concerto for viola and orchestra (1st movement & 2nd movement)
Bartok: Concerto for Viola and Orchestra Sz 120 (1st movement & 2nd movement)
Hindemith: "Der Schwanendreher" (1st movement & 3rd movement)
Additionally compulsory for all candidates:
Strauss: Don Juan, op 20 (beginning to T36 and T50 (figure C) to T67)

passi d’orchestra

Berg: Vioin Concerto, 2nd movement, T80-90
Berlioz: Harold in Italy (1st movement)
Delibes: Coppelia
Grieg: Holberg Suite - solo from the last movement
Ravel: Ma Mere L'Oye - "Le jardin féerique" solo (fifth bar after figure 2 to third bar after figure 3)
Weber: Der Freischütz


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