
Düsseldorfer Symphoniker

nazione Germania
città Düsseldorf
incarico Viola tutti (3)
strumento vla
tipo contratto Permanent
inizio November 1, 2024
scadenza iscrizione dom 08 settembre 2024
data audizione ven 11 ottobre 2024

We ask for your understanding that we do not reimburse travelling expenses, accommodation costs and daily allowances

brani obbligatori

Choice pieces:
P. Hindemith: Der Schwanendreher (1st movement)
W. Walton - Viola Concerto (1st movement)
B. Bártok - Viola Concerto (1st movement)

brani a scelta

- Classical concerto of your choice (1st and 2nd movement)

passi d’orchestra

Schott ED 7852
R. Strauss: Don Juan
G. Mahler: Symphony No. 10
G. Verdi: Otello
A. Bruckner - Symphony No. 4
F. Mendelssohn - A Midsummer Night's Dream
R. Strauss: Rosenkavalier, 3 act (appendix)
L.v. Beethoven: 5th Symphony, 2nd movement
R. Wagner: Tannhäuser (Overture)


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