Isabella Streicher

1973, Monaco di Baviera, Allemagne

  • Nasce a Monaco di Baviera, Germania, nel 1973. Comincia lo studio del violino all’ età di 7 anni. 
    Dal 1992 al 1996 frequenta la Civica Scuola di Liuteria di Milano sotto la guida del Maestro Luca Primon e si diploma nel 1996. Segue un anno di specializzazione presso la Scuola di Liuteria di Parma sotto la guida del Maestro Renato Scrollavezza. 
    Nel 1997 supera l’esame di fine apprendistato a Mittenwald, Germania. 
    Dal 1999 al 2005 insegna la costruzione degli strumenti ad arco presso la Civica Scuola di Liuteria di Milano.

    Negli ultimi anni ha frequentato vari corsi di perfezionamento con i Maestri Carlos Arcieri (restauro degli strumenti e ritocco delle vernici), Pietro Cavalazzi (manutenzione, incrinatura e piccole riparazioni del archetto) e Hans Nebel (ritocco venici). 
    Partecipa a concorsi nazionali ed internazionali di liuteria vincendo una medaglia d’oro e una medaglia di bronzo.

    Dal 2008 vive e lavora a Trento, insieme al marito Luca Primon, occupandosi prevalentemente del restauro, delle riparazioni e della messa a punto degli strumenti ad arco e della manutenzione e dell’ incrinatura dell’ archetto.

    source: site web personnel
  • Isabella Maria Streicher was born on the 3rd of January 1973 in Munich, Germany. In 1992 she enrolled at the Civica Scuola di Liuteria of Milan, in the class guided by Maestro Luca Primon, and graduated in 1996.

    Between 1996 and 1997 she refined her skills and knowledge in a specialization course at the violin-making school of Parma under the guidance of Maestro Renato Scrollavezza. This was followed by a training course in bow rehairing and repairing conducted by Maestro Pietro Cavallazzi in 1999.

    In 1996 Isabella M. Streicher took part in the national violin-making exhibition in Bagnacavallo where her instrument was awarded a special price. In 1997 she won the bronze medal in the Baveno competition for a viola and in 1999, she was awarded the gold medal and the Baveno-price for a violin.

    Between 1999 and 2005, Isabella M. Streicher worked as a teacher at the Civica Scuola di Liuteria in Milan. In 2000, she took part in the Italian violin-making exhibition in Beijing, China. Throughout the years she has attended numerous training courses to hone her skills in the repair of violins and varnish retouching under the guidance of maestro Carlos Arcieri. And Hans Nebel.
    Streicher opened her own workshop in Milan in 1998, mainly constructing violins, violas and cellos as well carrying out repairs, until her relocation to Trento in 2008, where she still lives with her family and works with her husband, Luca Primon. The couple specialize in the restoration, repair, set-up and construction of stringed instruments, as well as in the maintenance and rehairing of bows.

    source: site web personnel


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