Petko Zlatev Stoinov

1964, Kazanlak, Bulgarie

I am working as a luthier since 1993.

I was born in 1964 in the beautiful town of Kazanlak – Bulgaria, situated in the Valley Of The Roses and Thracian Kings. A city of many artists, famous painters and composers where the violin-making it’s a large tradition since 1924 when Dimitar Georgiev opened his own small atelier. It will become later one of the most important fabrics of musical stringed instruments – Kremona.

I discovered the amazing world of the woodcarving art and violin makers in 1993, working in an yacht studio. I felt in love with and I start to learn little a little from one of the best experts from Bulgaria and Italy, one of them Paolo Vitorio. Later I collaborated with some other Italian and American masters who give me the opportunity to learn and experience all the details of the violin-making.

Along this last 15 years I am continuing my specialization in the deep fine art of the great violin sound creation taking part of a several competitions in Italy, USA, France and participating in many exhibitions in Bulgaria, Italy, Germany and USA.

In 1999 I participate in the establishing of the first Regional Luthier Association in Kazanlak, Bulgaria, member of it since then. Also member of: The Violin Society of America and the Assotiation of the Master of the Fine Art and Applied Crafts in Kazanlak Municipality.

source: site web personnel


fabrique intruments vln, vla, vlc
restaure intruments vln, vla, vlc

adresse Kniaz Mirski, 39 - 6100 - Kazanlak - Bulgarie

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