Ewen Thomson

Ewen studied at the Newark School of Violin Making, where he was taught by makers such as Paul Bowers, Rowan Armour Brown and Glen Collins. He has now been making high quality violins and violas, based on the old Italian instruments, for over twenty years.

The instruments are made in his workshop at Channerwick, Shetland. Amongst musicians playing Ewen's Instruments are a number of world-class folk musicians, including Shetlander's Chris Stout, Kevin Henderson and Andrew Gifford, of Fiddler's Bid, and Bryan Gear; and Irish musician's including Manus McGuire (see also Brock McGuire Band). His instruments are also played by a number of professional orchestral musicians in the UK.

National Museums Scotland recently commissioned a violin from Ewen, for their new gallery dedicated to performance traditions from across the world. Previous commissions include the Mendelson in Mull Trust and the Royal Northern College of Music.

source: site web personnel


fabrique intruments vln
restaure intruments vln

adresse Little Elom - Channerwick - Shetland (ZE2 9HY) - Royaume-Uni

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