Sebastian Freymadl

1960, Luebeck, Alemania

  • Figlio del violinista Karl Freymadl, è nato a Lübeck (Germania) nel 1960.
    Nel 1961, la famiglia si trasferisce ad Hannover.
    Oltre ad aver ricevuto lezioni di violino dal padre, costruisce i suoi primi strumenti con l'aiuto del medesimo il quale, nel suo tempo libero, si dedica alla costruzione dei violini.
    Nel 1982 giunge a Cremona per imparare a costruire strumenti in modo professionale; frequenta da subito il corso per Archettai, sotto la guida dei Maestri Giovanni Lucchi ed Emilio Slaviero e, nel 1984, consegue il relativo diploma.
    Nello stesso anno, frequenta l'Istituto Internazionale di Liuteria dove, sotto la guida del Maestro Giorgio Cè, ottiene nel 1988 il diploma di Maestro Liutaio.
    Nel 1995 apre il proprio laboratorio cremonese, dove costruisce violini, viole e violoncelli, ispirandosi ai modelli di Antonio Stradivari.

    fuente: página web personal
  • 1960 Born at Luebeck, Germany
    1961 Grown up at Hannover, Germany
    1980 first violin made with the help of my father (viola player at the opera house of Hannover and as hobby violin maker)
    1982 approach at Cremona, Bow making course in Giovanni Lucchi' s class until
    1984 Diploma as bow maker, Pupil of Giorgio C'e's Class at the Violinmaking School
    1988 Diploma as violin maker
    1995 opens his own workshop at Via Volturno 22, Cremona, where he builds fine new Bowed instruments

    I wish to mention also the persons that helped me when I came to Cremona:
    The musicians that play my instruments all over the world.
    My parents Karl and Gisela who paid my education and encouraged me to come here.
    My Brother Rainer, my sisters Elisabeth and Esther.
    Mrs. Schroeder, from the Violin making Shop at Frankfurt who encouraged me to go to Cremona.
    The Violinmaker: Jean Piere Reitz, Luxemburg, Mario Moreschini, Italy, Marie France Stulz, Raffael Melenchion, Spain, Bernard Neumann Cremona, Alberto Giordano Genova, who gave me hospitality when I came to Cremona.
    Antonio Carriedo Violinmaker, Xalappa, Mexico, who taught me first here and with whom I built an entire Viola.
    Nadia Mantovani Violinmaker, Cremona who gave me my first refrigerator, stove etc.
    The Bowmaker: Giovanni Lucchi, Emilio Slaviero Claudio Armanini, teacher of the Bowmaking Corse, who taught me to make bows and to speak italian.
    The staff of the Violin making School of Cremona.
    Rosino Feroldi, Giovanni Carrera blacksmiths, Cremona, who fixed the tools I broke.
    Wolfgang Buchinger Violinmaker, Cremona, who explained me how to make fingerboards for guitars.
    Paolo Ceresa Photographer, Cremona, who taught me about photography and that once built a new bathroom for me and my family here, together with my college Thomas Schmitt, Hamburg.
    Thomas Schmitt Violinmaker, Hamburg who taught me to fit pegs in violins and helped me together with his principal Reinhard Fischer Violinmaker, Hamburg to sell instruments.
    The guys from the Priori Bicycle Shop, Cremona, that always fix my Bicycles.
    Vincenzo Bissolotti Violinmaker, who called me in his shop for to learn, how to varnish.
    Giorgio Ce' Violinmaker (Violinmaking school of Cremona), who was the most patient teacher I ever had in my live. The "white violin" on the second page was made by me in his lessons at the school.

    Alessandro Krilov Violinmaker, who taught me in many hours how, to build better instruments.
    Michael Dintner, Hannover, who gave me as a gift my first computer.
    Andreas Dammann Dipl.-ing, Hannover-Lehrte, who built the next computers.
    Mauro Tegagni, Cremona who helped me to learn to understand computers.
    Fabbio Zeri ing, who helped me with Linux operatingsystem that finally gave me the possibility to go into the internet.
    My Friends and Colleges, Gaspar Borchardt and his wife Sibylle Fehr who help and encourage me always when I have problems.
    Diego Cantalupi Luthplayer, Cremona who put my homepage online.
    Fondazione "Walter Stauffer", Cremona, that sponsors courses for musicians and always gently invites me, to listen for free the concerts they organize in our beautiful theater.
    And the people at Cremona that let me live here in peace.

    fuente: página web personal


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