Sarah Peck

Sarah Peck started her career working with violins at Atelier Constantin Popescu in Connecticut learning the basics of violin repair.
After traveling to Ireland to work with an Irish harp maker she returned to Massachusetts where she entered a 3 year apprenticeship working at Stamell Stringed Instruments concentrating on violin repair and set up.
It is here that she developed an interest in Baroque instruments and music history.
Wanting to really get a grasp on the early stringed instruments, she enrolled in a 3 year program for Early Instrument making at West Dean College in England where the focus was in the making of viols.
After graduating she went to work for Stringers of London for a year and half.
Upon returning to the United States she came to work for William Monical & Son of New York City.
It is here she not only continued to sharpen her skills in instrument repair and restoration but also gain great experience working with professional musicians both of the Baroque and Modern practices.
Sarah came to Berkeley one year ago to work for Thomas Croen and continues to advance her skills in Baroque and Modern styles.

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