Andrea Frandsen

1957, Møn, Dinamarca

  • Born in Møn, Denmark in 1957, Andrea Frandsen studied violin making in Newark-on-Trent, England, where she graduated with distinction in 1985.

    For the following three years, she had the opportunity to closely observe many important instruments of the classical period of Italian makers in a restoration workshop in northern Germany.

    In 1988, she established herself in Angers, France, together with Patrick Robin, creating the “Atelier Robin & Frandsen”.
    Since this time Andrea Frandsen has specialised in making fine violins, violas and cellos. In 2006 she created her own workshop in the Loire Valley close to Angers.

    Among the international awards she has won are two gold medals: one for a violin in Oakland, CA, 1994 and one for a viola in Paris, 1991.

    Andrea Frandsen received the rank of Knight of the National Order of Merit in 2008 and in 2013 the title of Maître Artisan d'Art.

    She is member of EILA (Entente Internationale des Luthiers et Archetiers), ALADFI (Association des Luthiers et Archetiers pour le Développement de la Facture Instrumentale) and VSA (Violin Society of America).

    The renowned luthier Andrea Frandsen has dedicated a quarter of a century to perfecting her art.

    Born in Møn, Denmark in 1957, Andrea Frandsen studied violin making in Newark-on-Trent, England, where she graduated with distinction in 1985.

    For the following three years, she had the opportunity to closely observe many important instruments of the classical period of Italian makers in a restoration workshop in northern Germany.

    In 1988, she established herself in Angers, France, together with Patrick Robin, creating the “Atelier Robin & Frandsen”.
    Since this time Andrea Frandsen has specialised in making fine violins, violas and cellos. In 2006 she created her own workshop in the Loire Valley close to Angers.
    Inspired by the tradition of 16th, 17th and 18th century Italian violin making, her work continuously evolves thanks to a regular exchange with colleagues and a close and enriching relationship with musicians.

    Recognised in her field Andrea Frandsen regularly contributes to professional magazines, and she gets invited as a member of the jury in major international violin making competitions.

    Her instruments are valued for their sound quality and their richness of timbre by soloists, orchestra musicians and chamber players throughout the world.

    Among the international awards she has won are two gold medals: one for a violin in Oakland, CA, 1994 and one for a viola in Paris, 1991.

    Andrea Frandsen received the rank of Knight of the National Order of Merit in 2008 and in 2013 the title of Maître Artisan d'Art.

    She is member of EILA (Entente Internationale des Luthiers et Archetiers), ALADFI (Association des Luthiers et Archetiers pour le Développement de la Facture Instrumentale) and VSA (Violin Society of America).

    fuente: página web personal
  • Originaire du Danemark, elle obtient en 1985 le diplôme de l'école de lutherie de Newark, Angleterre. Après quelques années passées au contact de l'atelier «Geigenbau Machold» à Brême, où elle a l'occasion d'étudier les instruments italiens de la période classique, elle s'installe en 1988 à Angers. Depuis, elle se consacre à la fabrication des instruments du quatuor et aux réglages de sonorités. Ses instruments sont joués par des solistes et des musiciens d'orchestres, entre autres l'Opéra de Paris, la Chapelle Royale du Danemark, l'Orchestre Symphonique de Gunma au Japon ou l'Orchestre de la Radio Finlandaise, ainsi que par de nombreux chambristes. - 1991, médaille d'Or, alto, Concours de la ville de Paris. - 1994, médaille d'Or, violon, «V.S.A.», Oakland. - 2000, médaille d'argent, alto, «V.S.A.», Fort Michel. - 2004, finaliste du «Strad Cello Making Competiton», Manchester. Membre de l'ALADFI et de l'EILA.



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domicilio 9, chemin de la Grasserie - 49130 - Les Ponts-de-Cé (Angers) - Francia

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