Manuel Lardi

, Montreux, Suiza

  • Nato a Montreux (CH).
    Ha frequentato la Scuola di Liuteria Antonio Stradivari di Cremona diplomandosi nel 1993.
    Nel 1995 ottiene il certificato di fotografo presso il Conservatorio di Scienze Audiovisive.
    Subito dopo lavora quale liutaio - restauratore per tre anni in un laboratorio di Madrid.
    Nel 1999 per due settimane frequenta l'atelier Rene Morel & Gradoux- Matt di New York e una settimana presso l'atelier del Maestro Christophe Landon Rare violins di New York.
    Stage che gli permettono di perfezionare nuove tecniche di restauro.
    Dal 1999 al 2005 lavora quale restauratore a Utrecht (Olanda) presso l'atelier del Maestro Serge Stam esperto conoscitore di strumenti antichi.
    In questi anni ha la opportunita' di restaurare e studiare importanti strumenti antichi italiani e francesi in collaborazione con il restauratore Maki Ishizuka ex allievo del Maestro Rene Morel, di New York.
    Nel 2005 esegue uno stage presso l'atelier del Maestro Otto Karl Schenk (Berna) esperto conoscitore di strumenti antichi e restauratore. Dal 2007 e' membro della Associazione Svizzera dei Liutai e Archettai SVGB.
    Nel 2007 esegue un master di restauro di archi con il Maestro Pete Oxley.

    fuente: página web personal
  • Born in Montreux (Switzerland).
    He attended the School of Violin Making Antonio Stradivari of Cremona (Italy), where he graduated in 1993.
    In 1995 he obtained the certificate in photography at the Academy of Sciences Audiovisual.
    Then he worked as a luthiers’ restorer for three years in a laboratory in Madrid (Spain).
    In 1999, he attended the workshop Gradoux-Matt & Rene Morel in New York (USA) for two weeks, and he also spent one week at the studio of Master Christophe Landon Rare Violins of New York (USA).
    He had also several internships that allowed him to refine new restoration techniques at the highest level.
    From 1999 to 2005 he worked as a restorer in Utrecht (Holland) at the workshop of Maestro Serge Stam of old musical instruments.
    In recent years he had the opportunity of restoring ancient instruments and to study important Italian and French instruments, in collaboration with the restorer Maki Ishizuka, former student of Master Rene Morel in New York (USA).
    In 2005, he attended an advanced training course at the studio of the Otto Karl Schenk Bern, (Switzerland), an expert and restorer of old instruments.
    Since 2007 he has been a member of the Swiss Associazione Svizzera dei Liutai e Archettai SVGB.
    In 2007, he performed a master of restoration of Bow with Master Pete Oxley (GB).

    fuente: página web personal
  • Born in Montreux (Switzerland).
    He attended the School of Violin Making Antonio Stradivari of Cremona (Italy), where he graduated in 1993.
    In 1995 he obtained the certificate in photography at the Academy of Sciences Audiovisual.
    Then he worked as a luthiers’ restorer for three years in a laboratory in Madrid (Spain).
    In 1999, he attended the workshop Gradoux-Matt & Rene Morel in New York (USA) for two weeks, and he also spent one week at the studio of Master Christophe Landon Rare Violins of New York (USA).
    He had also several internships that allowed him to refine new restoration techniques at the highest level.
    From 1999 to 2005 he worked as a restorer in Utrecht (Holland) at the workshop of Maestro Serge Stam of old musical instruments.
    In recent years he had the opportunity of restoring ancient instruments and to study important Italian and French instruments, in collaboration with the restorer Maki Ishizuka, former student of Master Rene Morel in New York (USA).
    In 2005, he attended an advanced training course at the studio of the Otto Karl Schenk Bern, (Switzerland), an expert and restorer of old instruments.
    Since 2007 he has been a member of the Swiss Associazione Svizzera dei Liutai e Archettai SVGB.
    In 2007, he performed a master of res

    fuente: página web personal


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