Gesina Liedmeier

1966, Horssen, Países Bajos

  • Gesina was born in Horssen, the Netherlands in 1966

    as the third daughter to a father who was a history teacher and a mother who taught classical languages.

    As a child she taught herself to play the recorder and also took guitar lessons. She enjoyed drawing and crafts, made fine cutouts in paper and wrote stories.
    After gymnasium she studied viol at the conservatories in Lyons, France, and the Hague in the Netherlands. Her teachers were F.Borstlap, M. Mueller and W. Kuyken.
    She's played in many productions and ensembles and has been a member of the Spirit of Gambo viol consort since its foundation.
    After Conservatory she studied historical instrument making in West Dean College, England and with P. Jaquier in Cucuron, France. Private funding supported her research on old viols in the Nuerenberg, Lisbon and the Hague museum collections. Her precision and integrity were so valued by the Gemeentemuseum of the Hague that she's regularly been doing conservation work for the collection of musical instruments there since 1998.
    Her initial participation in exhibitions of historical instrument exhibitions in Berlin, Paris and London immediately generated many commissions for viols, and since then there's been a waiting list.
    On the whole, her viols have a mild, warm sound. She strives for a sound that's deep, full and broad rather than high and strong. Being a viol player, it's self evident that ease of playing is important for Gesina.
    She developed her carving technique through sculpting the heads for her instruments. Her force of imagination was greater than that which format of the heads allowed, so more diverse wood carvings evolved, sculptures, engraved letterings, puppets, and a rocking horse.
    In 2010 Gesina completed the museum school at the Catharijneconvent Museum, Utrecht. Her teachers there were Lukas Stofferis and Micha Leeflang. She studied the principles of painting with tempera, early oil painting technique and polychromy. She feels completely at home with these techniques. The use of wood panels, hot glues, planes and scrapers, pigments, resins and oils is self evident in a studio where viols are made. Gesina is thoroughly familiar with these tools and materials.
    Illustration is a recent discovery. She's done the illustrations for an educational music project in primary schools (Muziek=Klasse, De Nieuwe Muziekschool, Druten).

    fuente: página web personal
  • Gesine est née à Horssen, aux Pays Bas en 1966.
    Elle est la troisième fille d’un père professeur d’histoire et d’une mère professeur de langues anciennes. Enfant, elle apprend seule à jouer de la flûte et prend des leçons de guitare. Elle découvre les plaisirs du dessin et du bricolage, s’intéresse aux découpages fins en papier et écrit des histoires.
    Après le lycée, elle étudie la viole au CNSM de Lyon, et à La Haye aux Pays Bas, auprès de F.Borstlap, M. Mueller et W. Kuyken.
    Elle a joué dans de nombreuses productions et dans des formations diverses, et est l’un des membres fondateurs du consort Spirit of Gambo.
    Après son passage au Conservatoire, elle a étudié la fabrication d’instruments de musique historiques à West Dean College, en Angleterre, puis à Cucuron, en compagnie de P. Jacquier. Grâce à des financements privés, elle a pu effectuer des recherches sur les violes anciennes conservées dans les collections muséales de Nuremberg, Lisbonne et La Haye. Sa précision et l’intégrité dont elle témoigne sont si appréciées du Gemeentemuseum de La Haye, qu’elle entretient régulièrement la collection d’instruments du musée depuis 1989.
    Sa participation à des salons d’exposition à Berlin, Paris et Londres ont généré immédiatement un grand nombre de commandes de violes, et la liste de commandes n’a dès lors pas cessé de s’allonger. Globalement, ses violes ont un son doux et chaud. Elle recherche la profondeur, un son qui soit plein et large, plutôt que perçant et sonore. Jouant elle-même de la viole, il est évident que l’aisance de jeu est une qualité cruciale pour Gesina. Elle a développé ses techniques de sculpture en sculptant des têtes pour ses instruments. La force de son imagination étant plus importante que ce que permet le format des têtes d’instrument, elle sculpte également des pièces en bois diverses, qui sont des gravures de lettres aux marionnettes, en passant par les chevaux à bascule.
    En 2010, Gesina a fini un cycle d’études à l’école muséale du Catharijneconvent Museum à Utrecht. Ses professeurs, Lukas Stofferis et Mischa Leeflang, lui ont enseigné les principes de la peinture à la tempera, mais aussi de la polychromie et de la peinture à l’huile ancienne. Ce sont des techniques avec lesquelles elle se sent parfaitement à l’aise. L’utilisation de panneaux de bois, de colles chaudes, de rabots et de ratissoirs, de pigments, de résines et d’huiles vont de soi dans un atelier où l’on fabrique des violes de gambe!
    L’illustration est une découverte plus récente. Pour illustrer un cours de musique éducatif dans une école primaire (Muziek=Klasse, De Nieuwe Muziekschool, à Druten), Gesina a réalisé des dessins

    fuente: página web personal
  • Gesina was born in Horssen, the Netherlands in 1966

    as the third daughter to a father who was a history teacher and a mother who taught classical languages.

    As a child she taught herself to play the recorder and also took guitar lessons. She enjoyed drawing and crafts, made fine cutouts in paper and wrote stories.
    After gymnasium she studied viol at the conservatories in Lyons, France, and the Hague in the Netherlands. Her teachers were F.Borstlap, M. Mueller and W. Kuyken.
    She's played in many productions and ensembles and has been a member of the Spirit of Gambo viol consort since its foundation.
    After Conservatory she studied historical instrument making in West Dean College, England and with P. Jaquier in Cucuron, France. Private funding supported her research on old viols in the Nuerenberg, Lisbon and the Hague museum collections. Her precision and integrity were so valued by the Gemeentemuseum of the Hague that she's regularly been doing conservation work for the collection of musical instruments there since 1998.
    Her initial participation in exhibitions of historical instrument exhibitions in Berlin, Paris and London immediately generated many commissions for viols, and since then there's been a waiting list.
    On the whole, her viols have a mild, warm sound. She strives for a sound that's deep, full and broad rather than high and strong. Being a viol player, it's self evident that ease of playing is important for Gesina.
    She developed her carving technique through sculpting the heads for her instruments. Her force of imagination was greater than that which format of the heads allowed, so more diverse wood carvings evolved, sculptures, engraved letterings, puppets, and a rocking horse.
    In 2010 Gesina completed the museum school at the Catharijneconvent Museum, Utrecht. Her teachers there were Lukas Stofferis and Micha Leeflang. She studied the principles of painting with tempera, early oil painting technique and polychromy. She feels completely at home with these techniques. The use of wood panels, hot glues, planes and scrapers, pigments, resins and oils is self evident in a studio where viols are made. Gesina is thoroughly familiar with these tools and materials.
    Illustration is a recent discovery. She's done the illustrations for an educational music project in primary schools (Muziek=Klasse, De Nieuwe Muziekschool, Druten).

    fuente: página web personal


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