Peter Hütmannsberger

Having been exposed to music from very early on, it was a natural desire to investigate how instruments produce their sound. My initial training as an apprentice with D.M. Sanderson as a violin maker laid the foundation for my later work. As I was setting up my own workshop in the 80's, I became particularly interested in original instruments and their setup, in comparison with modern violin making.

Extensive studies of instruments in many museums and private collections in Europe and the US further deepened my knowledge of bowed string instruments. The main emphasis in my work is not only to produce copies that look similar to the originals, or not even to produce a similar sound, but to capture the spirit of the original instruments. While it is impossible to find a perfectly corresponding piece of wood, it is indeed possible to use the intentions of the maker of the original instrument and translate them for the material available to me.

The response to my instruments in the hands of both professional and amateur players all around the world has been very encouraging.

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