Yann Besson

  • Yann Besson, a French national, born in 1976, started his apprenticeship as a violin and viola maker at the French National Violin Making School of Mirecourt in 1991. After graduating in 1996 with a rarely given distinction, Yann has worked in a number of workshops across the world.
    Following training with renowned companies in France and Hong Kong he chose to settle at a leading London workshop, Frederick Phelps ltd, where he restored fine violins, violas and cellos for 7 years.

    Whilst working at Phelps, Yann never lost his enthusiasm for studying the classic school of violin making.

    This prompted him to develop his own personal style of making and eventually led to him setting up his own full-time violin and viola making business in 2002. His instruments are now played by international artists.

    fuente: página web personal
  • Yann Besson est un luthier français, né en 1976, issu de l’école de Mirecourt. Diplômé en 1996 avec une distinction aussi rare que méritée, Yann commence son parcours initiatique dans des ateliers réputés à travers le monde et poursuit son apprentissage.
    Dans la continuité d’une expérience acquise dans des ateliers de lutheries de renom en France et à Hong Kong, il choisit de poser ses outils dans l’un des principaux ateliers de Londres, Frederick Phelps Ltd, et il y restaure durant 7 ans des violons, des altos et des violoncelles.

    Tout en travaillant chez Frederick Phelps Ltd, Yann Besson entretient son enthousiasme pour l’étude de l’école classique de la lutherie et développe son propre style.

    Il crée finalement son propre atelier en 2002 et y fabrique des altos que jouent aujourd’hui des artistes internationaux.

    fuente: página web personal


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