Benoit Charon

, Saint Louis, Francia

  • Benoit Charon was born in Saint Louis, France, near the borders of Switzerland and Germany. In 1994 he entered the Newark School of Violin Making where he trained the craft for four years, graduating in 1998.

    From 1998 to 1999 Benoit Charon worked in Minneapolis at Claire Givens Violin Inc. under the assistance of Douglas Lay.

    From 1999 to 2001, he was the assistant to Friedrich Alber in Montpellier, where he focused on improving his technique in the making of fine instruments. To complete his skills, Benoit Charon also attended as a professional training the Franck Ravatin workshop and worked with both Frederic Becker and Barath Kandekhar.

    In October 2001, He decided to set up his own workshop in Saint Louis in order to make his own instruments, which are inspired by the Cremonese masters of the Golden Period.

    He presents his work at famous exhibitions such as Musicora in Paris, Mondomusica in Cremona, and the international Viola Festival in Kronberg, Germany.

    His violins, violas and cellos are made from only the finest quality wood, selected for its aesthetic beauty and individual acoustic properties.

    fuente: página web personal
  • Benoît Charon, une dizaine d'année d'expérience, est diplômé de l'école internationale de Lutherie de Newark en Angleterre. Après son apprentissage, il part pour les Etats-Unis ou il travaille pendant un an dans l'atelier de Mme Claire Givens à Minneapolis sous la direction de Douglas Lay, Chef d'atelier.
    De retour en France, il se perfectionne dans la fabrication des instruments du quatuor (violon, alto, violoncelle) dans l'atelier de F.Alber à Montpellier et effectue plusieurs stages dans les ateliers de F.Ravatin, F.Becker, F.H Chaudière, B.Kandekhar (Angleterre).
    Depuis Octobre 2001, il a ouvert son propre atelier où il se consacre à la fabrication des instruments du quatuor (violon, alto, violoncelle)
    Mes instruments sont vendus en France, Suisse, USA et notamment joués dans l'Orchestre symphonique de Suisse Romande, Opéra de Paris, Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg, Orchestre de chambre de Metz.

    fuente: página web personal


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domicilio 2 Place Sainte-Barbe - 68300 - Saint-louis - Francia

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