Christopher Dungey

Christopher Dungey is a violin maker specializing in the new making of cellos. He graduated from The Newark School of Violin Making in England with 'Distinction' in 1982. After returning to the states he worked in Los Angeles for Hans Weisshaar and Thomas Metzler learning the fine art of restoration. Chris has a degree in double bass performance from the University of Oregon. His teacher was Robert Hladky who taught both the cello and bass students. It is from those years of cello exposure that Chris Dungey brings a unique understanding of the cello sound to his cello making today. He has been cutting and collecting cello wood since his student days in England. This unusual position of acquiring his raw materials has helped him to have a better understanding of how to utilize the wood for each new cello to its fullest potential. He is a current member of the AFVBM Inc. and has won numerous cello-making awards.

Today Chris lives with his wife and daughter in the hills south of Pocatello Idaho. He makes cellos in a new shop on his property with a stunning view of the surrounding Portneuf, and Bannock mountains. In addition to being a husband and father, he performs regularly in local orchestras. He has a love of jazz and performs whenever he gets invited to "sit in" with his bass. Chris is also an avid cyclist.

As he approaches cello number 100, he continues to educate himself and tirelessly researches the answers to his curiosities about everything cello. Chris realized many years ago that while he was having great success with his cellos, he could never rest on those laurels. He has an insatiable need to understand why and how something works. He has traveled to many parts of the world to experience first hand everything from leaders in the field of violinmaking, to priceless instruments, and even to the source of his varnish resin in New Zealand. He works with cellists that now reach around the world, in every performing level from student to superstar. Since 2004 Chris has been attending the Oberlin acoustics workshop in order to stay current with all the technological understanding of the field today. Looking to the future, Chris is involved with product development. He finds himself helping others with their products or even creating his own in order to have the accessories needed to achieve playability and sound quality for the cellos he makes.

At the end of the day, for Chris, it is all about what he can do to help maximize each individual cello's voice for you, the cellist.

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