Luca Primon

1952, trento (TN), Italia

  • Nasce a Trento, Italia, nel 1952. Studia musica al Conservatorio di Trento.
    Dal 1974 al 1979 frequenta la scuola di liuteria presso il Conservatorio di Parma, sotto la guida del maestro liutaio Renato Scrollavezza. Dal 1980 insegna la costruzione degli strumenti musicali ad arco presso la Civica Scuola di Liuteria del Comune di Milano. Frequenta dal 1987 al 1992 i corsi di specializzazione per liutai tenuti dal Maestro Jurgen Von Stietencron (Riva del Garda, Italia).
    Partecipa tra il 1989 ed il 1991 a concorsi nazionali ed internazionali di liuteria vincendo due medaglie d'oro e due d'argento. Nel 1996 frequenta un corso di restauro tenuto dal Maestro Vahakn Nigogosian (Oberlin, U.S.A.). Nel 1997 frequenta il corso "Nuove tecnologie in liuteria" tenuto dal Maestro Edward Campbell (Tucson, U.S.A.).
    Ha partecipato al restauro di strumenti di notevole interesse storico (Collezione di Santa Maria della Pietà, Venezia, con la stesura del relativo catalogo, insieme all'organologo Marco Tiella) ed altre pubblicazioni d'interesse liutario.


    A.L.I. ( Associazione liutai professionisti italiani),
    E.I.L.A. (Ente Internationale des Maitres Luthiers et Archetiers d'art).
    Vive e lavora a Trento.

    fuente: página web personal
  • Luca Primon was born in 1952, in Trento, a town in the heart of the Dolomite Mountains. His love for woodworking developed from an early age working in the family business of skilled furniture makers, which went back over many generations. For some time he studied cello and double bass playing and then attended the violin making school at the "A. Boito" Conservatory in Parma, where he was taught under the guidance of Maestro Renato Scrollavezza.
    He completed his studies in 1980 and was appointed to teach at the Civic Violin Making School in Milan, here he taught the construction of musical instruments of the violin family until the year 2006.

    Luca attends specialist violin making courses taught by Maestro Jürgen von Stietencron, here he continues to broaden his knowledge and further his study of this complex and fascinating craft. He also takes part in seminars, workshops, exhibitions and other lutherie related events all over the world.

    His work follows the Italian violin making tradition, using the methods of a craft handed down from Maestro to pupil over the centuries, he pays careful attention to the aesthetics of his instruments passionately taking care of every detail of the workmanship and varnish. With a commitment to his craft he searches for the finest quality of wood, which he then seasons and carefully works ensuring that his instruments have a powerful sound and a warm, rich timbre, allowing the contemporary musician freedom to express his and herself fully.

    He considers violins, violas, and cellos as a work of art to be appreciated by musicians, collectors and violin making enthusiasts worldwide.

    fuente: página web personal


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domicilio via Milano 154 - 38122 - Trento (TN) - Italia

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