
Hamburger Symphoniker

nación Alemania
ciudad Hamburg
posición 1st and 2nd violin (2)
instrumento vln
tipo contrato Academy
fecha fin de plazo mar 27 agosto 2024
fecha audición jue 08 agosto 2024

The scholarship holders are individually supported by their mentors from the ranks of the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra.
The training programme includes intensive audition training, lessons from members of the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra, chamber music projects and workshops.
By playing in rehearsals and concerts (up to 15 services per month on average), the scholarship holders can gain their first experience of the day-to-day work of an orchestral musician.
The stipend is 690 euros per month.
Please note: Interns must be enrolled at a European University or Hochschule for the entire duration of the Akademie with the Symphoniker Hamburg.
Please include a certificate of enrollment or other documents in your muvac profile that prove that you meet this requirement.

Rehearsal rooms are available on site no earlier than 60 minutes before the audition date.
When you arrive at the audition venue, please always report to the members of the orchestra board first - you will then be allocated a room.
Please refrain from visiting the audition venue before the specified time.

obras obligatorias

Mozart A Concerto for Violin (Exposition)

repertorio orquestal

Strauss "Don Juan" (1st violin)
Mozart Symphony No. 39 (1st violin)


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