Hans-Peter den Daas

1965, Netherlands

While growing up in his birthplace Meppel (Netherlands) he receives his first cello lessons at the age of 8.
His love for stringed instruments is born. He has been member of many ensembles and the youth orchestra of the local music school.
Music is not his only passion.
He also starts with wood working: creating small oak boxes with fine wood carving following the Frisian tradition.
Hans-Peter continues his education in Utrecht, where he earns a PhD in physical chemistry.
In Utrecht he plays the cello in several student orchestra and is board member of some of them (USKO, KOSMU).
After receiving his PhD, he moves to Venlo to work for Océ (later Canon) in several positions ranging from R&D to strategic and product marketing.
In Venlo too, you can find him playing the cello in several ensembles and orchestra.
There, the wish to build his own instruments is born.
He learns the craft from Bernhard Zanders Geigenbau in Nettetal.
He starts with building a violin for his son.
Later this followed by a violin for his wife and a cello for himself.
Many of his skills find their place in building violins: accuracy in working the wood that carries the tone and beauty by nature, as well as the intellectual challenge to design and create fine instruments.
He decides to start his own business as violin maker.
He builds instruments that meet the highest tonal and technical requirements.
Musicians praise his instruments for playability and wide range of colours. Hans-Peter searches great, warm and colourful tones in his instruments.
The old Italian masters from the golden period provide the inspiration for models and arching’s.
Hans-Peter builds his instruments using traditional technologies.
He follows the building process of his teacher and coach Bernhard Zanders, a long-time successful master violinmaker (Geigenbaumeister) with a workshop in Hinsbeck, Nettetal, Germany.
Wood is selected carefully and seasoned properly before use.
Special care is applied while creating the instruments arches and thicknessing of the plates. Below you can find images of some of his instruments.

source: other


makes instruments vln, vla, vlc
restores instruments vln, vla, vlc
bows for vln, vla, vlc
rental instruments vln, vla, vlc
other sound adjustment vlc
bow rehairing

address Kerstenbergweg 5 - 5954 BX - Beesel (Limburg) - Netherlands


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