Martin Horvat

1969, Wien, Austria

  • Martin Horvat nasce a Vienna nel  1969.
    Riceve un’ ampia educazione musicale a Vienna( Violoncello, Pianoforte, Tromba, Composizione).  Presto sviluppa un grande interesse per il suono degli strumenti  musicali .
    Inizia la sua formazione come liutaio in Olanda, dove  costruisce strumenti musicali nell’ambito della musicoterapia (Choroi- Holland, Schoorl Paesi Bassi).
    Si trasferisce  in seguito a Cremona, dove si diploma come Liutaio alla Scuola Internazionale di Liuteria  (I.P.I.A.L.L.  Antonio  Stradivari, Cremona) sotto la guida dei maestri Maurizio Tadioli e Claudio Amighetti.
    Nell’ ambito di un Corso Formativo organizzato  dalla Regione Lombardia ha come maestri Eduardo Gorr, Loeiz Honoré, Bernhard Neumann, Michael Schimpf e Jean- Alexandre Narros. Seguono esperienze formative e lavorative nelle botteghe di M.Ardoli- E.Barcellari e Marco Nolli.
    Nel 2004 apre la sua bottega  a Cremona in Via Gioconda.

    source: personal website
  • Martin Horvat wurde 1969 in Wien geboren. In seiner Jugend erhielt er eine vielseitige musikalische Ausbildung (Violoncello, Klavier, Trompete und Komposition). Schon früh entwickelte er ein profundes Interesse für den Instrumentalklang.
    Seine ersten Erfahrungen im Instrumentenbau machte Martin Horvat in einer sozialtherapeutischen Werkstatt in Holland (Choroi Holland, Schoorl).
    Seit 1996 lebt er in Cremona, wo er an der internationalen Geigenbauschule (I.P.I.A.L.L. Antonio Stradivari, Cremona) unter der Führung der Meister Maurizio Tadioli und Claudio Amighetti als Geigenbauer diplomierte.
    Im Rahmen eines neben seinen Studien absolvierten zweijährigen Perfektionskurses waren seine Meister Loeiz Honorè, Eduardo Gorr, Bernhard Neumann, Michael Schimpf und Jean-Alexandre Narros. Weitere Erfahrungen sammelte er in den Werkstätten von Massimo Ardoli, Eros Barcellari und Marco Nolli.
    Im Jahre 2004 eröffnete er gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Ari Kamiya-Horvat eine Geigenbauwerkstatt in Cremona, Via Gioconda.

    source: personal website
  • Martin Horvat est né à Vienne en 1969.
    Il a recu une éducation musicale générale à Vienne (Violoncelle, Piano, Trompette, composition).
    Il a commencé sa formation de luthier aux Pays-Bas, où il construit des instruments de musique en musicothérapie (Choroi-Holland, Pays-Bas Schoorl).
    Il a déménagé plus tard à Cremona, où il a frequenté  l'Ecole internationale de lutherie (IPIALL Antonio Stradivari, Cremona) sous la direction de  Maurizio Tadioli  e Claudio Amighetti.
    Il ha aussi frequenté un cours de formation organisé par la Région Lombardie avec les  maitres Eduardo Gorr, Loeiz Honoré, Bernhard Neumann, Michael Schimpf et Jean-Alexandre Narros.Pius il ha completé ses experiences formatives dans les ateliers de M. Arodli, Eros Barcellari e marco Nolli.
    En 2004, il ouvre son atelier à Cremona en Via Gioconda.

    source: personal website
  • Martin Horvat was born in Vienna in 1969. He received a thorough musical and artistic education in Vienna (cello as main instrument, piano, trumpet, composition). He quickly developed a great interest in the sounds made by musical instruments.
    He started his training as a violin maker in Holland, where he made musical instruments within the field of music therapy (Choroi – Holland – Netherlands Schoorl).
    Following this, he moved to Cremona, where he graduated as a violin maker from the International violin making School (I.P.I.A.L.L. Antonio Stradivari, Cremona) under the guidance of the masters Maurizio Tadoli and Claudio Amighetti.
    During a course organised by the Lombardy Regional government he had the following teachers: Eduardo Gorr, Loeiz Honoré, Bernhard Neumann, Michael Schimpf and Jean -Alexandre Narros. He continued his training by working in the workshops of M.Ardoli – E.Barcellari and Marco Nolli.
    In 2004 he opened his own workshop in Cremona in Via Gioconda.
    His work has matured during a long-lasting process taking advantage of the highly stimulating and competitive atmosphere of Cremona and at the same time being constantly in close contact with renown musicians of his native city Vienna.
    He is founding member of the “Hoeren und Streichen” yearly exhibition of modern Cremonese instruments that takes place in Vienna since six years.
    His instruments are played by advanced students of the most prestigious Austrian universities and academies of music as well as by professional musicians.

    source: personal website


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baroque instruments
restores instruments vln, vla, vlc
baroque instruments

address Via Gioconda, 6/A - 26100 - Cremona (CR) - Italy


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