Samuel Peguiron

15 Feb 1955, Switzerland

Trained at the Swiss violin making school and by Master Willem Bouman in Holland, Samuel Peguiron opened his own workshop in Nancy (France) in 1983.
His instruments, based on the acoustic and design rules of the early Italian makers, are handmade from very fine tone wood and bear oil varnish.
Some of his instruments are played by renowned musicians in different countries in Europe, USA, Japan and China.
1st prize for sonority (cello) in Montpellier 2011  and in Paris 2012 (Musicora).
Laureat at « Strad vesrus Modern » contest New York 2013 (violin)

source: other


makes instruments vln, vla, vlc
bows for vln, vla, vlc
baroque instruments
baroque bows
sells bows for vln, vla, vlc

address 3 Ruelle du Grand Verger - 54000 - Nancy - France


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