Jules Saint-Michel

  • Dean of Quebec violin makers, Jules Saint-Michel has devoted himself for more than 40 years to the making and restoration of violins as well as to the study and expertise of old and modern instruments. A recognized specialist and a judge of international violin making competitions, he has made available to the public a part of his important collection of string instruments.

    source: personal website
  • Doyen des luthiers québécois, Jules Saint-Michel s'est consacré depuis plus de 40 ans à la construction et à la restauration de violons ainsi qu'à l'étude et à l'expertise d'instruments anciens et modernes. Spécialiste reconnu, juge de concours internationaux de lutherie, il a ouvert au public une partie de son importante collection d'instruments à cordes.

    source: personal website


makes instruments vln, vla, vlc
restores instruments vln, vla, vlc

address 57, rue Ontario Ouest - H2X 1Y8 - Montréal (Québec) - Canada


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