Jacob Johannes

"Violinmaking in all its aspects is a pleasure to do"
There is a constant current of ideas between my customers and me which evolve my making and design.

Handmade instruments

In my view a beautiful instrument should be free in sound and singing.
The instruments I make are designed by me, this is “handmade” in the right sense of the word and this is what I like to do. Making originals!
They are highly playable instruments ergonomically correct.
Workshop made instruments

A good instrument, which is able to support a good musician are my fine "hand-finished" instruments.
These instruments arrive in pieces.
The important components are worked out by hand, until the correct thickness of the back and belly has been reached.
The f holes are made by me, the bass bar and the neck will be glued in, these instruments are varnished with my hand-made violin varnish.

source: personal website


makes instruments vln, vla, vlc, cb
baroque instruments
restores instruments vln, vla, vlc, cb
baroque instruments

address Breeweg 21 - 4335 AN - Middelburg - Netherlands


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