Walter Neubauer

12 Jul 1962, Wien, Austria

Born in Vienna, on the 12th of Juli 1962, as son of violinmaker Gerhard Neubauer there is no question about my profession in the future.
After attending a business education for 3 years, I started 1980 my apprenticeship in the workshop of Violinmaker Anton Jirowsky in Vienna.
I have spend my time as a journeyman from 1984 on, in the workshop of my father, Gerhard Neubauer, violinmaker.1989 I completed with success my examination for the master craftsman's diploma in Vienna.
Afterwards I have been employed in the shop of my father as a manager, responsible for the workshop and the care of the clients.
Since July 1997 I have been taking over the traditional workshop of my former apprenticeship-master, violinmaker Anton Jirowsky, located in Vienna, Lothringerstr. 11, as a self-employed violinmaker.

source: personal website


makes instruments vln, vla, vlc
restores instruments vln, vla, vlc, cb

address Lothringerstraße 11 - A-1010 - Wien - Austria


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