Federico Fiora

10 May 1972, Cremona, Italy

He was born in Cremona on 10 May 1972. He graduated from the Cremona violin making school (I.P.I.A.L.L.) in June 1190 under the guidance of the masters Ezio Scarpini and Stefano Conia
He practiced in the transition workshop C.E.E. under the guidance of Maestro Gio Batta Morassi until 1993.
He opened his shop in 1996 in Corso Matteotti 31 in Cremona, in 2000 he moved to Via Pallavicino 11-13 also in Cremona, while since 2011 he has a workshop with a window in Corso Vacchelli 29.
He is particularly inspired by the models of the Cremonese school (Antonio Stradivari, Guarneri del Gesù, Nicolò Amati) and often uses the design of the 1615 viola by the Amati brothers preserved in the museum of the municipality of Cremona, obtaining excellent results. Last time he use Capicchioni model.
He participated in the "Baveno competition" in 1995. He exhibited a violin in an exhibition organized by the “Consorzio Liutai” in the “Sala dei Decurioni” in the town hall of Cremona.
In his workshop, some luthiers trained by practicing post-diploma internships organized by the I.P.I.A.L.L. of Cremona.
He often entertains groups of tourists and student classes in his workshop, explaining to them the history and the classic construction method of Cremonese instruments, achieving great success.
As part of the "feast of nougat 2010" his shop was included in a stage, where the characteristics of the stringed instruments were illustrated and compared with those of the barrels of the producers of balsamic vinegar of Modena and of the wine production of the Piacenza hills.
He won the 2nd prize in the cello section and the 3rd prize in the viola section of the 7th national competition A.N.L.A.I. held in Mozzate (CO) in May 2013 and the 2nd prize always in the purple section of the 8th national competition A.N.L.A.I. held in Cremona in May 2014 in the professional category.
He ranked third for the viola in the A.N.L.A.I. in the professional section of 2015 held in the Municipality of Cremona.
He was awarded a special prize ("Ikuko Suzuki" award) by the juror m. Ikuko Suzuki in the A.N.L.A.I. always in the professional section for a violin.
The exhibition took place in the conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome.
In addition, he has restored and brought back "to life" various instruments of the nineteenth and early 1900s with complicated repairs and restorations.
He was part of the program organized by the municipality with the trade associations "tasting in the shop" explaining a bit of lutherie and having some typical Cremonese products tasted.

source: other


makes instruments vln, vla, vlc
restores instruments vln, vla, vlc
other tuning vln, vla, vlc
sound adjustment vln, vla, vlc

address Corso Pietro Vacchelli 29 - 26100 - Cremona - Italy


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