
International Census of Luthiers and Bowmakers 2024

Are you a luthier or bowmaker who makes, repairs, restores instruments or bows for violin, viola, cello or double bass?
Participate in the census at the 2024 International Census of Luthiers and Bowmakers by dbStrings.
With the data collected, the directory of professional luthiers and bowmakers will be expanded and a special directory for amateur luthiers and bowmakers will be created.
New basic cards will be made in the respective directories or those already published will be updated.
The data must be for individual artisans and not for workshops or stores.
Data collection is divided into 7 steps:
- personal data (first name, last name, professional/amateur etc.)
- lab data (address)
- contacts (website, email, phone, cell etc.)
- available services (construction, repair/restoration, sales etc.)
- membership in trade associations
- biography
- login credentials
In the event that the user participating in the census is already listed in the dbStrings roll of luthiers and bowmakers, the data will be used to supplement or update those already present.

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