
Münchner Philharmoniker

Nation Deutschland
Stadt München
Auftrag Solo viola (1)
Instrument vla
Vertragsart Permanent
Anmeldeschuss So 15 September 2024
Datum des Probespiels Fr 18 Oktober 2024

Please select a piece (1st round):
Stamitz Concerto: 1st movement up to T198 (with cadenza) and 2nd movement up to T43
Hoffmeister Concerto: 1st movement up to T151 (with cadenza) and 2nd movement up to T33
Also compulsory for all candidates:
Strauss: D. Quixote Var. III (figures 14-18 and 26-34)


Please select a piece (2nd round):
Walton: Concerto for viola and orchestra (1st movement & 2nd movement)
Bartok: Concerto for Viola and Orchestra Sz 120 (1st movement & 2nd movement)
Hindemith: "Der Schwanendreher" (1st movement & 3rd movement)
Additionally compulsory for all candidates:
Strauss: Don Juan, op 20 (beginning to T36 and T50 (figure C) to T67)


Berg: Vioin Concerto, 2nd movement, T80-90
Berlioz: Harold in Italy (1st movement)
Delibes: Coppelia
Grieg: Holberg Suite - solo from the last movement
Ravel: Ma Mere L'Oye - "Le jardin féerique" solo (fifth bar after figure 2 to third bar after figure 3)
Weber: Der Freischütz


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