
Anhaltischen Theater Dessau / Anhaltische Philharmonie Dessau

Nation Deutschland
Stadt Dessau
Auftrag Viola tutti (1)
Instrument vla
Vertragsart Permanent
Anmeldeschuss Fr 30 August 2024
Datum des Probespiels Mo 30 September 2024

Compulsory piece 1st round:
A classical concerto (Stamitz or Hoffmeister): 1st movement (with cadenza) and 2nd movement
Optional piece 2nd round:
One of the following works (1st movement with cadenza):
B. Bartók: Concerto for Viola and Orchestra op. posth.
P. Hindemith: "Der Schwanendreher"
W. Walton: Concerto for viola and orchestra
Orchestral parts tutti ("Orchester-Probespiel Viola", Schott):
L. van Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C minor op. 67, 2nd movement
A. Bruckner: Symphony No. 4 in E flat major, 2nd movement
F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy: A Midsummer Night's Dream op. 61, 1st movement
B. Smetana: The Bartered Bride, Overture
R. Strauss: Don Juan op. 20


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