Klaus Grünke

  • Klaus Grünke erlernte das Bogenmacherhandwerk von 1975 - 1978 bei seinem Vater Richard Grünke, in Bubenreuth. Wichtige Impulse für seine weitere berufliche Laufbahn erhielt er in den Jahren 1980 - 1982 in der Werkstatt H. Weisshaar in Los Angeles, bei dem er sich intensiv der Restauration und dem Studium alter Bogen widmete. Nach Bubenreuth zurückgekehrt, arbeitete er fortan unter eigenem Namen im väterlichen Betrieb. Im Jahre 1985 legte er seine Meisterprüfung erfolgreich ab. Seit 1996 ist er Mitinhaber der Familienwerkstatt Richard Grünke & Söhne.
    Bei seinen Violin- und Violabogen folgt er vornehmlich den Modellvorbildern F.X. Tourte, D. Peccatte und N. Kittel. Die Cellobogen fertigt er sowohl im Stile Viorins aber auch nach den Modellvorlagen Tourte und Grand Adam. Klaus Grünke stellt ebenfalls detailgetreue Kopien alter Meister her, die als Kennzeichnung einen kleinen Stempel "KG" auf dem Froschsitz tragen.

    Quelle: persönliche Website
  • Klaus Grünke learned the craft of bow making from his father Richard Grünke, in Bubenreuth between 1975 and 1978. The period 1980 to 1982 was an important stimulus for his future career. During this time he worked for Hans Weisshaar in Los Angeles, focusing intensively both on restoration techniques and the study of older master bows. After returning to Bubenreuth he continued to work in his fathers workshop, using his own name on the bows.
    In 1985 he took his master’s examination in bow making under the auspices of the HWK Nuremberg. Since 1996 he has been co- owner of the family workshop “Richard Grünke & Söhne GmbH in Langensendelbach.
    He successfully participated in international competitions: among others, in 1980, in Hempstead, N.Y., he was awarded two gold medals and in 1983in Kassel, he received the overall silver medal. Later on he has been called to serve on the jury of numerous bow making competitions all over the world.
    In addition to bow making, Klaus Grünke has devoted himself to the study of various theoretical aspects of his field. He has written a number of articles in both trade magazines and books, sharing the results of his research. In the year 2000 he wrote and published together with his colleagues C. Hans Karl Schmidt and Wolfgang Zunterer the encyclopaedia “German Bow Makers”. link
    He also plays an active and leading role in the IPCI, International Pernambuco Conservation Initiative, which was founded by bow makers from all over the world in Paris 2001. The major aim of the initiative is the conservation and the introduction of sustainable use for the scarce but for bow making inevitable Pernambuco tree. www.ipci-deutschland.org or www.ipci-usa.org
    His violin and viola bows are primarily made following the models of Dominique Peccatte, Francois Xavier Tourte and Nikolaus Kittel. The cello bows are made in the style of Francois Nicolas Voirin, although he also uses the Nicolas Maire, Nikolaus Kittel and Francois Xavier Tourte models. His bows are usually stamped KLAUS GRÜNKE. He also offers detailed copies of old master bows, these bows have a small K.G. stamped on the seating for the frog.

    In his quest to improve the playing quality of his bows he has developed a special working relationship with violinist Vadim Repin and the cellists David Geringas and Mischa Maisky.

    Quelle: persönliche Website


baut Bögen für vln, vla, vlc
restauriert Bögen für vln, vla, vlc, cb

Adresse Am Sportplatz 12 - 91094 - Langensendelbach - Deutschland

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